The State of the Universe
, by Ferreira, PedroNote: Supplemental materials are not guaranteed with Rental or Used book purchases.
- ISBN: 9780753822562 | 0753822563
- Cover: Paperback
- Copyright: 8/8/2007
The universe is a mess. Or rather, our understanding of it is. That's the message of this lively introduction to the conundrums shaking up the field of cosmology. Pedro Ferreira, a noted lecturer in astrophysics at Oxford, explains how a universe once ruled by Einstein's simple equations has given way to a more complex and confusing one: where mysterious "dark matter" outweighs visible matter a hundred to one, and "dark energy" seems to be hurling the galaxies apart. Ferreira takes readers on a fascinating journey through the history of astronomy to show how we arrived here, clarifying today's many contending theories.