Breakthrough Eight Steps to Wellness

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Breakthrough Eight Steps to Wellness by Somers, Suzanne, 9781400053285
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  • ISBN: 9781400053285 | 1400053285
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 9/29/2009

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Today's most trusted advocate of anti-aging medicine, Suzanne Somers, deepens her commitment to helping people lead healthier, happier lives by opening their eyes to cutting-edge, proven remedies and preventative care that most doctors just aren't talking about with patients: longevity medicine and the more progressive study of bioidentical hormones. As we age, certain hormones diminish, creating an imbalance that can set off everything from perimenopause to cancer, beginning as early as our thirties. This hormonal imbalance is causing many to feel depressed, anxious, fatigued, sexless, sleepless, and ultimately ill, sometimes even terminally. What's more, Somers and twenty doctors in the field of antiaging medicine argue that the processed chemicals in foods and pharmaceuticals we ply ourselves with are actually slowly eroding our bodies and minds. So we're getting slammed twice. From estrogen dominance to deceptive thyroid problems, people are suffering, and most don't have access to the treatment they truly need to get better and thrive . . . until now. Breakthrough explores cutting-edge science and delivers smart, proactive advice on the newest treatments for breakthrough health and longevity. In addition to being a pioneer in a rapidly growing health field, Somers is a passionate, caring individual whose own life was derailed by disease and brought back to unimaginable, feel good heights that she wants you, too, to experience.
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