Uncle Scrooge

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Uncle Scrooge by Barks, Carl, 9781888472240
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  • ISBN: 9781888472240 | 1888472243
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Copyright: 6/28/2006

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In the much-requested 1954 classic "The Mysterious Stone Ray," Scrooge takes an ocean voyage for his health... only to end up with more than he bargained for! Sailing off the beaten path to rescue a castaway scientist, Scrooge finds the scientist's island festooned with stone Beagle Boys - and the scientist himself, a spindly geek with a love of cabbage, might just be the fellow who turned them that way! In "Sudden Impulses," Gyro Gearloose unsuccessfully tries to control his urge to invent. "Bottled Battlers" is a Barks-written Junior Woodchuck epic drawn by Daan Jippes: the 'Chuckers end up imprisoned in a giant bottle by Magica De Spell! Finally, in "Something Out of Nothing," Scrooge splits the atom to create matter out of anti-matter.
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